Wednesday, 25 February 2009

At the Ruv'

So, we're down at the Ruv' yo, and we're sittin' next to Petunia and she says that swearing is rude! Fuck the donkeys! Swearing and cursing and cussing and shitfucking is a legitimate form of communicado! Says I! Now Petunia says it's generally a form for those with "low levels of communications skills" but then I challenged her to a duel of words and I said you can "fuck right off" and she did. Then she came back with a snarky comment: "you're a style-less tramp" and then she called my co-blogger a "generic shithead" and so from here on out let the world know that Petunia has a new blog to reckon with: unpretentious, uncowardly, in-yer-face (non-whatever), fuck-this-shit-up-in-da-house-of-cards, bombing-poor-places, super-duper-blog! It's called Revelations of a Life Lived in Syntax - why syntax? Cause that's a complex word, fucker! And yes, we do take this seriously. Very seriously, Petunia. So go fuck yourself and if you ever want to use my toilet again you can god damn well ask nicely. And don't complain when the wet toilet paper falls on your disgusting little head.

PS: Naed needs to wash himself; and watch himself too, because if he ever threatens the Generic Shithead again he'll have this Style-less Tramp riding his ass to the gates of Hades wherein he will learn of his worthlessness and discover fierce self-loathing having such a stupid name.

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